solvtec CAQ – Industry 4.0 in Quality management

Practical Know-how – more than just CAQ software
solvtec offers a highly integrated and powerfull tool for process and quality management as well as the necessary longterm know-how in the form of their “solvtec CAQ”.
With solvtec you will receive not only the perfect software for your task but also the most suitable practical implementation for your project.
Unique consistency in the whole process –
APQP in a new dimension
The required consistency in workflow (APQP) is shown in a perfect form. The processes are secure and transparent. From process definition via FMEA, control planning (CP), sampling (PPAP, PPF) as well as test planning (PP) up to and including recording and evaluation of data (SPC) in production, solvtec provides the suitable tools. The APQP Management network allows solvtec a holistic view of the processes. Information flows and the responsible employees are actively engaged in improvement management. Your ressources will be conserved and your efficiency considerably increased.
Modularity and scaleability
Every project starts with the first steps, hopefully in the right direction. This is particularly important for CAQ projects. solvtec CAQ lays the optimal foundation stone for your system with its modular structure.
User frendly: The 3-click-principle
Acceptance by the user is the final key to success in the introduction of software solutions. Good performance and simple handling may not cancel each other out. Let yourself be convinced by the performance and simplicity.
Integration of supporting Q processes
Within a functioning picture of all quality processes, it is essential to integrate core and subsidiary processes. Master data management, test equipment management, supplier management, audit management and a meaningful indicator management are available. The required workload increases. Solvtec CAQ will help you to cope with this flood of requirements. solvtec customers confirm that the complete consistency and transparency within the process will lead to considerable synergy effects.
Indicators are immediately available
All important indicators such as defects, causes, and actions are recorded together with the complaint. This data can be evaluated in Improvement management (VBM) and in compressed form in Indicator management (KEN). The indicators are immediately available without additional manual handling.
The solvtec model – Quality tools for active improvement management
Defined improvement processes (KVP, 5W, 8D, Ishikawa) form the basis for a consistent and comprehensive management of activities and actions as well as building a knowledge base of the process as a whole. Your know-how will be completely recorded and structured within the solvtec model and prepared for further use.
Traceability at the highest level
The solvtec model allows you to picture your products and processes optimally and simply. Recording the relevant test, process and product data is effortles.
Security in operation (7/24) and integration
solvtec CAQ secures your test processes. Secure 7/24 operation is thus given without any additional IT investment. The use of interfaces to PPS, ERP, CAD and to diverse test and measuring systems simplifies the processes at all levels.
Mobility in the standard
solvtec CAQ records data where it originates. The solvtec mobile Quality management allows recording of data on mobile devices. Tests in production or at external sites can thus be perfectly dealt with.

Discover Quality Management of the Future
Do you require personal consultancy on any subjects to do with process and quality management? Are you looking for CAQ software which can provide a complete solution for your company? Send us a message outlining your requirements. We will reply asap.